See Inside Your Smile With A 3D CBCT Scanner Dental In Dearborn, MI

When you need advanced dental work, your dentist will take scans of your bones and jaw in order to understand what you need and how to best plan your treatment. A cone beam CT scan (CBCT scan) gives your dentist three-dimensional images that give incredibly detailed information.

Whether you will be getting an implant or oral surgery, when you visit a dentist with a CBCT scanner, you don’t need to travel to an unfamiliar team or facility – you can have all of your care delivered by the same familiar team.

The CBCT scan can zoom in on a specific area of your tooth or jaw, allowing your dentist to see something as small as a single tooth root. They can then examine that area from a variety of different angles, moving the 3D image around as needed. Your dentist can also create hundreds of images from the scan, which gives a comprehensive view of your mouth and jaw.

For dental diagnostics that are accurate, non-invasive, and painless, a CBCT scanner is a vital piece of equipment. At Dearborn Family Smiles, we’re proud of our state-of-the-art technology and invite you to visit our office. Call our friendly team today to set up a no-obligation consultation. We can’t wait to meet you!

Contact Dearborn Family Smiles About CBCT 3D Scanner Today!

  • Witness detailed, 3D images of teeth and jawbone
  • Enables precise treatment planning
  • Lower radiation compared to traditional CT scans
  • Streamlines diagnostic process
  • Encourages patient understanding of dental health!

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