Why Your Teeth May Be More Sensitive in the Winter


Do you experience tooth pain more often in the winter? Your teeth enamel may develop cracks due to contraction in winter, which will make your teeth sensitive. Here some more reasons as to why your teeth become more sensitive during cold weather. .

1)   The Weather

Going outdoors in the cold from the warmth of your homes/offices might start this process because your teeth naturally expand in hot temperatures and constrict in cold ones. This may cause cracks in the enamel of your teeth, exposing the sensitive dentin layer underlying your dental enamel. Since the nerve fibers in your dentin are covered by cold-sensitive cells, the wintertime can be more painful and uncomfortable for you.

To avoid this, make sure you undergo regular dental checkups to avoid tooth decay or enamel erosion because healthy teeth are less likely to crack.

2)   Low Vitamin D Levels

One of the essential components that keeps your teeth strong and healthy is Vitamin D. The sun is the main source of this vitamin. Given the lack of sunlight throughout the winter and the fact that you spend most of your time indoors, it's possible that the lower levels of Vitamin D have a detrimental effect on how your teeth cope with the cold. To make up, try including more Vitamin D-rich foods in your diet throughout the winter months, such as salmon, canned tuna, mushrooms, shrimp, and egg yolks, to name a few.

3)   Sweet Delicacies

The Holiday season, which coincides with winter, is characterized by celebratory foods and sweet delicacies. Increased exposure to sugar raises your risk of developing gum disease and enamel erosion, both of which can exacerbate the sensitivity of your teeth. Hard candies can also break or chip your teeth, exposing the sensitive dentin.

Drinking water right after meals and avoiding hard candies will help you keep your teeth healthy.

4)   Home Whitening Treatments

It may seem like a fantastic idea to whiten your teeth at home during the holiday season if you want to appear your best for family gatherings and social events. The issue is with the whitening products since many of them include harsh chemicals that might remove your teeth's enamel and reveal the dentin underneath. It's preferable to get your teeth whitened under the supervision of a competent dentist who will achieve your desired shade without endangering your teeth or gums.

5)   Seasonal Diseases

You might not have a dental issue causing the discomfort and sensitivity you feel in your teeth. Your immune system is compromised during the winter, and there are more germs than usual, making you more prone to colds, sinus infections, and the flu.

It is possible for nasal congestion or infection to irritate and inflame your sinuses, which can exert pressure on the dental nerves and result in sensitivity and pain.

When Should You See a Dentist?

When your teeth get sensitive, you should visit a dentist. This is also required if you require a more advanced solution, like a mouthguard. Moreover, a dentist can pinpoint precisely which teeth are sensitive and offer an effective course of therapy or issue a prescription for a certain toothpaste or similar item. If your teeth’s sensitivity requires medical intervention, a dentist can arrange a root canal, filling, or other procedures to correct underlying conditions and relieve symptoms. .

It's important seeing your dentist to find a pain-relieving remedy, whether you're just starting to experience sensitivity or have always had problems with the cold.

Please visit Dearborn Family Smiles to learn more about the best solution for your sensitive teeth. We are a devoted team of specialists who provide exceptional family dentistry services.  Book an appointment to come one step closer to having happy and healthy teeth.